Star Theater Show, Kittery Me. A HUGE success!

Thank you Thank you Thank you
To all my friends and fans, old and new, who made up a great crowd last Sat night!
Sorry it's taken me this long to post this [life keeps me busy] and it took me a good 24hrs to stop smiling because of the great time CL and I had at the Star Theater....I can't say enough about the top notch operation they run there. Thanks to Jeremy and his staff... plus Todd and all his PR work...rumor has it we were the top turn out for a 1st time solo artist the Theater has ever seen!!!
Hope to post a short video as soon as I get to editing!...Meanwhile here's a few unedited pics
Thanks again
Up front folks with theater starting to fill before show

My "foliclly challenged" fan stage right who was a great sport!

Co-worker fans and family...Thanks Amy!

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