What a weekend of Comedy..Thanks York Harbor Inn and Colonial Theater Keene NH and Juston McKinney

Two shows...two types of comedy  ONE great time
First C.L. and I at The York Harbor Inn for a return engagement to kick off their "Lobster Lovers Weekend"..a near sold out crowd in the Ball Room had a great time with pics below to prove it...
Then Keene NH the Colonial Theater opening for my friend and great comic Juston McKinney ...again a near sell out [capacity 900] with Juston telling me "you hit it out of the park"!
So much fun in one weekend...Thanks for all the laughs at both venues and watch here for announcement re: summer at the York Harbor Inn....but shhhh it's not official yet!

"The Conn. Group"

Mr "LL Bean Catalogue" and his wife
The crowd front and center!

South Fla. "drug couple"...good sports!


The Colonial Theater...before the doors open....beautiful venue ...great staff!