Thurs Rhumbline ALMOST a sell out..late breaking news!!

What a great crowd!..and a major goof on my part..I forgot to take a pic of the near sellout crowd during the show and I was a tad busy packing after the show to get on the road for a 10 hour ovenight drive to my College reunion..long story, but suffice to say I didnt get a picture and I haven't had a chance to add to this blog until now..So first a big thank you to all the families..yes families..3 with teens that came to laugh and boy did they ever...also a tip of the hat to the other guests at the Rhumb Line that added to the fun, soo much fun...
And what do I do next?? How about a challenge? To the locals at both venues this week..Wed Ogunquit, Thurs Kennebunkport...let me see your faces, check out C.L. and me and prepare to laugh!!!!!! Call for your reservation or
There ya go buddy!