Saving the Best for Last...Almost!

Near the end of our Summer Season of shows at the Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport and last night's show was one of the best!
People from all over ... Mass [shout out to my #1 fan from Worcester and his wife] NJ, NY [upstate, they are VERY specific to say that!] NH and neighbors from the north Montreal! a special guest, a doggy from NJ who was very well behaved, only heckled me twice!!! The Colony is a dog friendly Hotel!
Also more family dropped by, niece Jenny and her Man Kevin. also nephew Donny. All locals who gave C.L the thumbs up as the real deal!.
We all had a great time!
Love to go out with a bang next week for the last show...Looking for a FULL HOUSE!
You can make it happen!
Be there 
There ya go Buddy!!

Canadian Fan having fun!
Happy Ladies,  But the  Dog in back is getting bored!!!