NO not that way crazy people....folks asked about the discount they saw here on my website...nice to know crowds not only coming to enjoy the show but looking us up here on the web too!...We had a great group mostly from New England with some great belly laughs, some shaking of the heads and all saying "That Ain't Right!!!" during and after the show! C.L.and I always enjoy not just the banter during show but great conversations with the folks before and after the show...Cool to get to know the fans!...The pics below are from the fancy upstairs room but most agreed with C L that the downstairs "Comedy Cave" was more fitting for our show.
So you have ONE last show before we go into monthly Fall mode at locations to be annouced shortly!...Hope to see you Aug 27th for our last Thurs at The Colony Hotel...
There ya go buddy
Nice couple waiting for the fun and gentleman behind had real nice chat beffore the show too! |
These 3 in front turned into huge Wizard of Oz fans during stand up part of show! |
Shaking of the heads and all saying "That Ain't Right!!!"