So I went off the radar for a short time for some R&R with College buddies on the Jersey the real one[ Sea Isle City] not the Reality Show. Then came home to some nice face to face socializing first at the Maine Restaurant and Lodging Show in Portland where I got to say Hi to my long time foodie buds as well as meet some new ones ..I had a nice conversation with Jay Martin, Maine's first "Small Business Advocate" working out of the Sec. of States Office. Jay's a fan of Irish storytellers so I gave him one of my C.L. Thomas CD's..who knows maybe a State House gig?? LOL
Also this week I attended The Convention and Visitors Bureau of Portland where Barabra Whitten got honored for her 25 yrs as CEO of that GREAT to chat with many new friends and soon to be business associates.. Look out for Pamela Laskey's "Maine Foodie Tours" as she has brought the success of her Portland tours now down to Kennebunkport for this summer! FMI Looking forward to more chats with Brandon Hussey of The Inn at Brunswick Station [] as well as Kelly Alden at UNE in Portland/Biddeford. Also saw Greg Dugal Executive Director of Maine Innkeepers Assoc. at BOTH me he's not only a great guy but the hardest working man in the state of Maine!
Look for news on my summer schedule coming out shortly..[hint I'm back at both The Cliff House Resort and The Rhumbline Resort same as last summer] and much much more!!!
There ya go Buddy!