Front lawn raked.? check! Back lawn?..ah ..maybe...Then I was going to remove the uncarved pumpkins [uncarved being the "thing" this year on our street, I guess we were all lazy!] from our front steps until I saw the neighborhood squirrels had set up house in all the pumpkins on the street!..Yup food and shelter all in one orange container..too funny! Speaking of food all the plans for travel and family in full swing as we have arranged time with both sides of the families pleasing both wife and child and cousins and Aunt, Uncles etc...Thanksgiving should be great! My goal is to finally sit down and read my friend Lars Trodson's mystery novel "Eagles Fly Alone" while everyone else is killing themselves at the malls!
Hoping your Turkey Day finds you all grateful for the family, friends and love, we have in our lives!
I know I am.
There ya go Buddy!