In the middle of back to back shows this week

CL and I had a wow of a show for a bus group from Mt Hope NY last night and tonight our 2nd show at the Colony Hotel K'port. [FMI go to]
Last night's show was at the great Hampton Inn & Suites in Wells Me  The GM is Vernon Briggs a great guy who was formerly of the Mountain Grandview Resort, Whitfield NH and remebered not just my comedy shows there at that property but the whole stand up scene of Boston in the 80's. He is a real professional and Hampton should be glad they have him..below is a shot of the crowd having a fun time with CL
Next week look for a special for locals at The Colony show...stay tuned!


  1. If Ever I'm In The Area....
    I'm A Sure Bet Attendee !!
    Love " Jimmy "

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