Amazing group of folks who just wanted to have fun

Have to thank this group that came to laugh and enjoy C.L. and TTTom on a rainy night...cant remeber a audience of such willing participants! Boy did we have fun..especially a young lady and her parents from Danbury Ct...we discovered she was born in the same hospital as TTTom! Small world and a fun one to boot!

Young lady with common birth place

Her parents

More fans waiting for the fun to start!!!

C L meets more International fans then he ever has!

Well it was more fun with an education in dialects for all as folks from Quebec and Scotland got to engage with C.L. at The Colony Hotel show this past Thurs...A translator should have been called...LOL...Unfortunately the picture didn't come out!  But my "folic-ly challenged friend" joined in the fun and got a free bumper sticker just for signing up for my email list.
Next Thursday is "LOCALS Night" where anyone from Kport gets in free....just tell em you read it here.
There ya go buddy!


The new Bumper Sticker available at all shows now!

Now That Was a SHOW

If you ever have a chance to visit The York Harbor Inn please do!....Gary and his whole staff are such professionals you have to see it to believe it...They prove the adage "Hospitality is not given but felt"
It was a pleasure once again to do a show at such a great venue.
Late posting and apologies to the fans with "spooky eye" but still great pics of the crowd as promised....oh what fun we had...with a promise of another show ...hopefully in the Fall 
Meanwhile still lots of summer shows to do at The Colony Hotel every Thurs night!
Fans from East Boston!
Great laughers up front!

Teen with family enjoying the attention


A few pics from a SRO crowd at Thur Show and tonight hoping for same at The York Harbor Inn

WOW what a great crowd at The Colony Hotel on Thur...late arriving family reunion group made it an "Standing Room Only" show and oh what fun...hope to do it again tonight at the beautiful York Harbor Inn Reserve YOUR seat now...207 363 5119
Happy Fan part of the family reunion of 50 [not all came to show LOL]

More standing in the back,,,,with another repeat fan down front right...thanks to all of you!!!

2 Chances to Catch Our Comedy in 2 Great Resorts

C.L. and I will be at our ususal Thurs. show at The Colony Hotel, Kennbunkport but also Sat. night we return to the beautiful York Harbor Inn for another edition of "Tourists Teenagers and Technology and Other Things That Ain't Right".
So if you're in York County you have NO excuse not to come join us at one of these beautiful venues and not only have a night of laughs but also enjoy some great Maine hospitality in 2 premiere Inns on the Maine coast....Hope to see you there..and look for our new bumper stickers to be unveiled at the York Harbor Inn

Great night of family fun!

Nice group at last nights show...all from reading ads and seeing posters..[hotel guests were busy with weddinng groups and a Jeb Bush fundrasier] So besides some couples including two who came back after seeeing me 2 yrs ago, we had 3 groups of family's one with  questioning young lad as to how TTTom was going to "turn into" C.L. Thomas" by the crowd just singing?...Had to tell him it was magic and he'd have to see it to believe it.....not sure if he left a believer but we ALL had fun..Pics to prove it

Nice family from Conn.

Mr.Doubting Thomas but think he believed!

N.H. Mom Dad and son all smiles!

In the middle of back to back shows this week

CL and I had a wow of a show for a bus group from Mt Hope NY last night and tonight our 2nd show at the Colony Hotel K'port. [FMI go to]
Last night's show was at the great Hampton Inn & Suites in Wells Me  The GM is Vernon Briggs a great guy who was formerly of the Mountain Grandview Resort, Whitfield NH and remebered not just my comedy shows there at that property but the whole stand up scene of Boston in the 80's. He is a real professional and Hampton should be glad they have him..below is a shot of the crowd having a fun time with CL
Next week look for a special for locals at The Colony show...stay tuned!

The Summer Fun Begins with C.L.Thomas at The Colony Hotel every Thursday 8pm all season long!

C.L.and I are opening our 3rd season at the grand dame of Resort Hotels in Kennebunkport Me
The Colony Hotel

...and the hotel has decided they want their guests to enjoy the show for FREE!
Tickets are $15 for non guests but
Check back here for free tickets and CD contests coming soon!
So let the summer fun begin and plan on at least ONE Thursday night of entertainment in your future.