Gotta love returning fans!!!

C.L. and I had returning fans this week! A nice couple from N. Andover Ma. saw the show a few years back at The Rhumbline Resort and wanted
to see what was new here at The Colony Hotel...they weren't disappointed!
Great to see everyone laughing [though poor lighting in this pic not real proof!!! My BAD}
But did manage to catch big fan from Stoors CT in second row...
Go UConn Huskies.
So wrapped up July with best month ever in the books! Cant wait to see what Aug brings...YOU I hope..Be there or be square!
There ya go Buddy!
Another Mass couple..with Huskie fan behind them!

The Heat is on and so is the buzz about C.L.Thomas Show

Boy do I love hearing the great feedback from Colony Hotel guests as well as  meeting all my fans from away!
Pics below of a family that rent a beautiful cottage in Cape Porpoise and behind them fans from Newport RI up enjoying the show and a gal from Boston posing for the camera of C.L.Thomas!
Also in the crowd were some nice folks from Presque Isle Me. who gave C.L. a big thumbs up...and a new line..."I got a GPS on my tractor"! that's Maine stuff you cant make up!!!
Come and be part of the fun! See ya next week!
Cape Porpoise Fans

Smile .."I'm from Boston!"

The Colony Hotel Crowds Keep Growing!

More fun was had last night as these pics getting to know the crowds...92 yr old women from Manhattan..3 couples all from Lowell who, as I spoke to them, recognized each other...turned into "old homes night" and BEST of all surprised from ole college chums all the way from Pittsburg Pa!...So cool to see the Veri Family there..Thanks Diane and Chuck.."youins" guys are great!
Hope to see an even bigger crowd next week!!

Diane and son all the way from Pittsburg
Lowell couples about to know each other
"Mayor" of Lowell and NYC youngster!