C.L.Thomas Hits The Streets of Paris France

Our Trip to Paris would not have been complete without having C.L.Thomas give you his view from the street..Rue Mouffetard to be exact. Also credit the camera work to my daughter Jillian ...not bad for her first tech job..and she took all the Parisian attention in stride..see some of the great side glances as well as the "ignore the crazy tourist" looks too!

Home sweet Home

Back on US soil but sooo much to share and tell of what I believe is our vacation of a lifetime.
Mona Lisa is a rock star!
French folks are great folks
C.L. did make an apperance
International law reigns supreme at the Eiffel Tower
The Chateau at Vesailles is so much more then a house and gardens [duh!]
Love the Paris Metro!
Details as the week allows!
Thanks for reading

On Vacation abroad...no I'm still a guy!..actually I'm going with 2 broads..oh just read this

Drum roll please....my wife daughter and I are on our way today to Paris France!!!!
I know who would of thunk it??? and yes I do hope to get some pics of Mr. C.L.Thomas in the land of cafe' du lait too .. stay tuned..depending on internet avail I hope to be posting some as we go
So check back
 Bon chance and au revoir mes aimes!!!
TTTom ..C.L. and his femmes faitelles [not sure of that spelling..this could be a looong trip]